Megan Bomgaars, a young woman with Down syndrome, speaks to teachers about best practices for teaching an individual with disabilities. She has an incredible ability to capture in words exactly what teachers need to do or not do to help children with disabilites achieve their full potential. Please watch this video and send it along to those who might benefit from the information!
This 13 year old girl with Down syndrome is very impressive and in the video (linked below) they discuss where she started and how gymnastics helped her in several areas of development. I have talked to other families with children with Down syndrome who are involved with the our gymnastics center and they have also been very pleased with their child's progress in that sport! Check it out! Link to St. Mary's County Gymnastics Center Info: Down Syndrome Pregnancy is a non-profit that works to support that have found out that their child has Down syndrome while they are still pregnant and have chosen to keep the baby. The have a free downloadable e-book as well as a regularly updated blog. This would be probably also be a valuable resource for new parents of a child with Down syndrome. The web address is and this informaition is also posted on the New and Expectant Parents page.
I found this while I was compiling information from the website and it is pretty awesome! I put in an application yesterday so I will certainly post if/when I receive the kit. Auggie is a little young, but perhaps his brothers' "instruction" will help him to get the hang of it.....
I think it is fantastic that the Special Olympics is helping to facilitate athletics and support families before the minimum age to start the Special Olympics! Here is the link to the Young Athletes Play Kit: Once I get the kit, it would be neat to get the kiddos together to see what they could all do together! |